Chemically Bonded Castables

Rescobond 17G

RESCOBOND 17G isdesigned for use in U-Bends, Y-Sections, overhead lines, and other catalyst transfer lines. It is a chemically-bonded, air-setting, single component gunning mix. This product can be installed by conventional gunning and handpacking methods and bonds to existing refractory. When gunning, predampening is NOT suggested for this gun mix. This product develops a quick set and can be heated shortly after installation. RESCOBOND 17G should NOT be installed by vibration casting methods.

Chemistry Alumina
Key Ingredient
Binder Phosphate
Location USA
Installation Method Gunning
Category Castable

Industry Info




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Product Applications


Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCCU) - Resco Products

Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU)

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